Wir wetzen die Messer und stürzen uns kopfüber in eine Podcast-Episode für die niederen Gelüste: „Ein Film über Rache“ war das Thema, dem wir mit viel Blut und Spaß bei der Sache ans Leder gegangen sind. Den Anfang macht Quentin Tarantinos Death Proof (2007), in dem Kurt Russell als Stuntman Mike Jagd auf junge Frauen macht. Mit viel Tod und Charles Bronson geht es weiter, wenn wir Michael Winners 70er-Jahre-Klassiker Death Wish (dt. Ein Mann sieht rot, 1974) und sein umstrittenes Fazit besprechen.

Im zweiten Teil gibt es dann das Thema, an dem derzeit kein Filmpodcast vorbeikommt: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015). Nachdem wir uns in der letzten Folge um die alten Filme und das Franchise allgemein gekümmert haben, konnten wir jetzt endlich die Fortsetzung sehen, die in den Fanherzen seit 32 Jahren in der Mache war. Zwischen Nostalgie und Rezeption sezieren wir in dieser Sendung alles, was uns an Teil 7 der Saga bewegt hat. Dabei haben wir zum ersten Mal auch einen gesonderten Spoiler-Bereich eingerichtet und geben euch rechtzeitig Bescheid, wann ihr abschalten müsst, um euch den Spaß nicht zu verderben.

Veröffentlicht am 22.12.2015

AT006: Rachefilme und The Force Awakens

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    Scrap Copper composition analysis Copper is one of the most widely used materials in the world. It is a versatile metal that is used in everything from construction materials to electrical wiring to plumbing fixtures and more. Due to its widespread use, the price of copper plays a significant role in several industries. Several factors influence the price of copper, and understanding these factors can help businesses and individuals make more informed decisions. 1. Supply and Demand: Like most commodities, the price of copper is closely tied to the laws of supply and demand. When demand for copper exceeds the available supply, prices usually rise, and when supply exceeds demand, prices usually fall. Large-scale infrastructure projects, China’s expansion in infrastructure, and a growing shift toward renewable energy sources are some of the factors that have increased demand, and a shortage of copper could lead to higher prices in the future. 2. Economic Conditions: The overall economic conditions of a nation or region can also influence the price of copper. In times of economic growth and stability, demand for copper typically increases due to increased construction and manufacturing activities, leading to an increase in the price of copper. In contrast, during recessions or times of economic uncertainty, the demand for copper decreases, leading to a drop in its price. 3. Production Costs: The production costs of copper are influenced by several factors, including the cost of mining and refining the metal. The global copper industry is highly capital-intensive, and when production costs rise, mining companies may reduce production or halt operations altogether, reducing copper supply and leading to higher prices. 4. Technological Advancements: Technological advancements, such as the development of more efficient mining techniques and refineries, can also influence the price of copper. More efficient production methods can lead to increased supply and lower production costs, potentially leading to lower copper prices. 5. Government Regulations: Government policies, such as environmental regulations and taxes, can also affect the price of copper. For example, stricter environmental regulations may increase production costs for mining companies, thereby reducing supply and increasing prices. Similarly, taxes and tariffs on copper exports can also affect the price of copper, particularly in countries where copper mining is a significant source of revenue. 6. Currency Exchange Rates: Copper is traded globally, so exchange rates between currencies can also impact the price of copper. When a country’s currency strengthens against the US dollar, the price of copper may decrease, and vice versa. In conclusion, the price of copper is influenced by a wide range of factors. Supply and demand remain the primary driver of copper prices, but economic conditions, production costs, technological advancements, government regulations, and currency exchange rates can also play a significant role. Businesses and individuals looking to invest in copper or copper-related industries must closely monitor these factors to make informed decisions Scrap metal resale Copper scrap demand Copper scrap price negotiation Copper scrap market transparency Copper scrap recycling company Sustainable metal recovery practices


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